Business Analyst


Both DA and BA play a very important role in an enterprise. These professionals help an enterprise in various ways and provide lots of value to the organization. However, many people think there is no difference between a data analyst and a business analyst. This is because both professionals have to work with data. But there are various differences between both professionals. For instance, a data analyst collects data and processes it for finding helpful information in it. On the other hand, a BA helps a firm in making strategic business decisions. In other words, these two professionals don’t perform similar duties and are very different from each other. Keeping this in mind, today we are going to learn about both these professionals and their duties in detail. Moreover, we will also learn what are the key differences between these two professionals.

Here is everything you must know about business/data analysts.

What Is a BA?

A BA is a professional who helps an enterprise analyze its processes, products, and systems to improve them. Moreover, he also analyzes business data for helping the firm in making profitable business decisions. Besides this, he helps a firm document its business processes and improve its business model. Additionally, he also helps a firm in making strategic business decisions. In other words, these professionals play a very important role in an enterprise. To learn how to analyze business data for making profitable business decisions feel free to join our Business Analyst Training program.


BAs have to perform many important duties in a firm. For instance, they help businesses in analyzing their data for making profitable business decisions. Besides this, business analysts also help businesses in improving their processes and systems. Following are some of the biggest responsibilities of a BA in an organization:

  • He helps the firm improve its processes, systems, and products.
  • BAs help businesses in analyzing their data for making profitable business decisions.
  • He works with various departments and 3rd parties to solve complex business problems.
  • He analyses data in depth to find emerging trends/patterns.
  • BAs help businesses in addressing business needs and find process improvement opportunities. Besides this, they identify opportunities for an organization and develop solutions for tackling threats.
  • He develops visuals as well as financial models for supporting business improvement decisions.
  • He helps an enterprise adopt new technological innovations for improving its business model and processes.

What Is a Data Analyst?

A DA is a professional who helps his organization in analyzing its data for the purpose of drawing useful insights. Besides this, he identifies business/market trends and communicates them to stakeholders. Apart from this, DA helps an enterprise in improving its statistical efficiency/quality. Furthermore, he helps a firm identify opportunities and threats and develop solutions for tackling potential threats. In other words, the work of a DA is very challenging and is not easy at all.


Data analysts have to perform many important responsibilities in an organization. For instance, instance, they have to analyze large amounts of data for drawing useful insights/trends. Besides, they help firms in improving their overall statistical efficiency and quality. In other words, the job of a data analyst is not that easy and he has to perform many important responsibilities in a company. Following are some of the biggest responsibilities of a data analyst in an organization:

  • He has to analyze large amounts of data for drawing useful insights/trends.
  • He helps a firm in improving its overall statistical efficiency and quality.
  • A data analyst helps a firm identify opportunities and threats and develop solutions for tackling potential threats.
  • He is responsible for defining process improvement strategies.
  • He helps an enterprise in data management and fixing coding issues.
  • A data analyst prepares visuals for easily communicating found opportunities and threats to stakeholders.
  • He helps an enterprise in finding innovative solutions for its business needs.

Business Analyst vs Data Analyst

Following are some of the biggest differences between data analysts and business analysts:

  • A data analyst helps a firm in drawing useful insights/trends from large amounts of data. On the other hand, a business analyst helps firms in making profitable business decisions.
  • Data analysts must have knowledge of STEM subjects. On the other hand, a business analyst must have a deep understanding of business.
  • DA helps a firm improve its overall statistical efficiency and quality. On the other hand, a BA helps a firm improve its processes, systems, and products. To learn how to help a firm in improving its processes and systems feel free to join the Business Analyst Training institute in Delhi.
  • The job of a DA is very complex and challenging in nature. On the other hand, the job of a BA is relatively not that complex and is very easy.


As you can see there are numerous differences between business analysts and data analysts. For instance, a DA helps a business in making profitable business decisions. On the other hand, a BA helps a firm in drawing useful insights/trends from business data. Similarly, a DA helps a firm improve its overall statistical efficiency and quality. On the other hand, a BA helps a firm improve its processes, systems, and products. So, don’t think the work of these professionals is the same. The work of a BA and a DA is very different from each other. Moreover, both professionals help an organization achieve different goals.

By Taruna Kashyap

Hi I am Taruna Kashyap From Delhi and working as an blogger.