Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is an auto-immune disorder that causes coming out of your hair, often in clumps the shape and size of a quarter. The amount of hair loss when you are suffering from Alopecia in Montreal varies from person to person. While some lose it in a few spots, there are some who lose a lot.

This condition has various types to it. The most common is Alopecia Areata in its main form. However, there are other more rare types of Alopecia Montreal:

  • If there is a case of loss of hair over your entire body, we call it Alopecia Areata Universalis.
  • When you lose all the hair on your head, it is known as Alopecia Areata Totalis.
  • If there is a sudden thinning of your hair rather than lost patches, it is known as Diffuse Alopecia Areata.
  • If the hair loss occurs in a band shape around the sides and back of your head, it is popularly known as Ophiasis Alopecia Areata.

Common Symptoms of Alopecia:

Hair loss is the main and often the only symptom of Alopecia in Montreal. You may notice:

  • Small bald patches on some portions of your scalp.
  • There are chances that the patches may get larger and altogether grow into a bald spot.
  • Hair may grow back in one spot and fall out in another.
  • Losing a lot of hair over a short time.
  • Hair Loss increases in cold weather.
  • Your toenails and fingernails become brittle, red, and pitted.

The area of your skin that has bald patches is smooth with no redness or rash. But, right before the hair falls out, there are chances that you may feel itching, tingling, or burning sensation.

Causes and Risk Factors associated with Alopecia:

When you suffer from an auto-immune disease, it is the immune system that attacks your body. With Alopecia in Montreal, it is the hair follicles that are attacked.

Although there is not sufficient evidence to support the reason behind why it happens, doctors believe that people who get it have something in their genes that makes it more likely. Then, there are hormonal changes that trigger hair loss.

People are more likely to suffer from Alopecia in Montreal if they have:

  • Someone in their family who is suffering from Alopecia
  • Down Syndrome
  • Asthma
  • Seasonal Allergies
  • Pernicious Anemia
  • Vitiligo
  • Thyroid Disease

Also Read This: Essential Nutrients To Prevent Hair Loss

Diagnosis of Alopecia:

If you are suffering from Alopecia in Montreal, you need to see a skin specialist called a dermatologist.

They will:

  • Discuss with you the symptoms
  • Thoroughly examine the areas where you have hair loss
  • Pull gently on the hairs which are located at the edges of the bald patch to see if they come out easily.
  • Check to see whether the individual follicles and hair are abnormally shaped.
  • Nail Examination

There are very rare cases where you may have a biopsy where a small piece of skin is removed from your scalp and examined under the microscope.

There are many conditions that can cause hair loss. The dermatologist may test your scalp for fungal infections or advice you to perform blood tests to check for hormone, thyroid, or immune system problems.

Treatment for Alopecia in Montreal:

To be honest, Alopecia Areata cannot be cured. But, yes treatment options are available which can grow back your hair. If you are suffering from it, there are several options for Hair Loss Treatment Montreal that you should definitely give a try.

(1) Corticosteroids: These are basically anti-inflammatory drugs that are mainly prescribed for autoimmune diseases. They are administered as an injection into the scalp. They can also be rubbed on the skin as an ointment, foam, or cream or given as a pill also. But the only downside is that it takes a long time to function.

(2) Topical Immunotherapy: This Hair Loss Treatment in Montreal is used when there is a lot of hair loss or hair loss happens more than once. In this method, some chemicals are applied to the scalp that produces an allergic reaction. If it works properly, it is this chemical reaction that restores hair growth.

(3) Minoxidil (Rogaine): This treatment is put on the scalp and is mainly used for pattern baldness. You can see hair growth after about 12 weeks. However, sometimes the results disappoint the users. Also, you should also note here that not all types of Alopecia in Montreal respond to Minoxidil. So, you should always consider a dermatologist before using Minoxidil.

Key Takeaway:

Alopecia in Montreal is not a serious medical condition, but the main concern is that it causes a lot of sadness and anxiety. If you lose all your hair, there are several options for Hair Loss Treatment in Montreal that can help you grow back your hair. If you notice a sudden loss in hair, you should always check with a dermatologist at the earliest. There can be other reasons for it as well besides Alopecia.

By Lalit Manral

Hi, This is Lalit Manral a Professional Digital Marketer, Blogger and Writer. From the Past 6 Years, I have been sharing information related to technology, education, travel, lifestyle, fashion, etc.