social media

People in emerging markets continue to spend the most time on social media during a typical day. It may be because these markets have a younger population, with the 16 to 24-year-old demographic driving worldwide growth.

Countries That Use social media

The Philippines spends the most time on social networks, averaging nearly four hours each day. Nigerians spent over three-quarters of an hour every day on social networking sites, while Indians and Chinese spent 2.5 and 2 hours per day, respectively.

Developed countries

Some of the more developed economies have shown symptoms of plateauing, which might be due to these nations’ ageing populations. In Japan, people spend barely three-quarters of an hour on social media throughout a normal day. 

Germany has somewhat higher figures, with users spending one hour and twenty minutes on social media, but the UK and the US spend closer to two hours per day on social media.

Through social media training, you will learn how to target important social media demographics and better advertise. You can also expand your audience by learning which nations use various social platforms and why.

Why are certain nations more active on social media than others?

The five countries with the lowest social media penetration are mostly developing countries. In contrast, the UAE and Singapore have strong economies. These nations may utilise social media more than others because they are most likely connected to their economics. 

Another factor might be that the population of that country is younger. Many research shows that younger generations utilise social media more than older generations. 

Another factor might be related to the country’s culture. The cultures are far more friendly than others, implying higher importance on social media. Because the five nations with the lowest social media penetration are all developing countries, the economics of that country might also play a role.

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Social Media Stats

According to Statista, the top five nations with the highest social media penetration are the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Taiwan (89%), South Korea (85%), Singapore (79%), and Hong Kong (78%), as of January 2019. These numbers are calculated as a proportion of the total population based on the number of active social media users on each country’s major social networks. Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, India, South Africa and Egypt have the lowest social media penetration rates, with 12 per cent, 16 per cent, 19 per cent, and 23 per cent, respectively.

What Do Stats Signify in Terms of Market Research?

Suppose you’re targeting nations in the top 5, such as the UAE. In that case, it’d be foolish not to invest substantially in social media marketing since the UAE has roughly 30% more social media users than the US and the UK.

However, not every country uses the same social media networks, and some nations prefer one platform over another. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, Facebook outnumbers Instagram and Twitter. YouTube is the most popular platform in Taiwan, outnumbering both Instagram and Twitter by about 40%.

As a result, when using social media for market research or other marketing reasons, it’s critical to notice which platforms are the most popular in that nation; otherwise, it’s pointless!

Importance of Social media training

Social media training has become just as crucial as traditional media training a decade ago. The corporate spokesman of yesterday is now the social media manager of today.

Actively managing business Facebook pages, branded Twitter accounts, and other social media platforms have become increasingly vital for social media marketers.

As communicators have concentrated on individually developing various platforms, it has become evident that social marketing is insufficient. 

Distribution alone does not overcome the social filter in social media, as with traditional media. Conversations or actions are required to reap benefits. The activity is pointless if there are no clicks.

Employee turnover is less via training.

 Nearly half of all companies have dealt with employee social media usage in the previous two years (or former employees). Roughly half of all companies authorised access to social networking sites at work during the same period, and the figure is gradually increasing.

According to recent research by Proskauer International, only around a third of companies know how to use social media. Allowing employees to use social media in the office without providing social media training is inefficient to ensure compliance.


Your employees are already utilising social media at work to keep up with industry trends. They interact with one another, and find and hire suppliers and service providers. Search engines and social media make it simpler for them to do their tasks. 

Why would they not choose the quickest route to their goal, and why would you not urge them to do so? Remember that all those online debates result in a slew of tweets, status updates, and posts that serve as a trail of digital breadcrumbs leading back to you.