Walk-In Closet Design

Today, people spend more of their money on interior decorating than ever before. It is a very common practice to invest on home improvement projects that would add to the beauty and functionality of your house. But not every project is as effective as others.

One of the best investments that you can make is buying the right furniture for your home. It is always recommended to consider a good walk-in wardrobe design before you buy anything else for your home. These types of wardrobes are very functional and would definitely help you keep your clothes organized. Here are some modern walk in closet design ideas that are very efficient and easy to use.

1. Display Cabinets 

These display cabinets are very popular in contemporary homes and usually come with glass shelves. They are available in various designs and materials. The best part about these cabinets is that they would serve as an excellent storage space as well. They are perfect for keeping items such as towels, linens, and dishes.

These display cabinets in walk in closets are not only elegant but also highly functional. You can customize them according to your needs. This means that you could add custom shelving and doors to it.

2. Options for Racks and Storage in the Walk-in closet

When designing the walk-in wardrobe, there are many options when it comes to racks and storage in the walk-in wardrobe. Some of them include hanging drawers, open shelves, and closed cabinets. You can also add a combination of all three.

The most important thing when choosing these options is finding what works best for you. It’s also good to consider how much storage space you have available and the amount of clothing you plan to keep in the wardrobe.

3. Incorporating a Vanity Area in Walk in Closet design

One of the most common features people want in a walk-in wardrobe is a vanity area. This is an area where you can store makeup, toiletries, and other small items like towels and razors. There are so many designs to choose from when incorporating a vanity area into the design.

The best part about having this feature is that it’s not something you would need to move or rearrange too often. The vanity area should be large enough to accommodate everything you need but not so big that you have to constantly move things around to make room for your toiletries.

4. Possess 1 or even more huge mirrors

Mirrors play a huge role in making a walk-in closet feel bigger than it actually is. You can either use a mirror in the same place as your existing full-length mirror or purchase a stand-alone mirror to create an open and spacious look. Make sure you also factor in the placement of your closet door to ensure you don’t block the mirror from view.

5. Install a separate door for each garment

Another great way to create a more organized walk in wardrobe is by installing a separate door for each garment you own. A lot of times we put all of our clothes into one basket. This allows everything to get mixed up and makes it harder to find what you need in a hurry.

Instead, think about separating your clothes into individual bins. You may have some bins that are reserved for casual wear and others that are for business outfits.

Also read this: Small-Home Interior Design Ideas

6. Incorporate lighting for drawers and shelves.

While a dark closet is great for storing clothes, it can be challenging to find things in the back of a drawer or on a shelf. The best way to address this issue is to install lighting in the back of the closet. This will allow you to easily see your items without having to flip through every single item in the closet.

7. Add a Luxurious Source Of light

This is important to keep in mind when organizing your closet. There are many options out there. For instance, you can go with a light fixture or you can use a small lamp. If you opt to use a lamp, make sure that you place it in the corner of the closet. In doing so, you will avoid shadows that can make it difficult to see your items clearly. 

8. Modern walk in closet design with Artwork

One of the best ways to make a closet look modern is by using artwork on the walls. This will give your closet a completely different feel than if it did not have any artwork. It is also a great idea to hang artwork from all over the closet. This will make the entire area more interesting.

9. Identify a color combination for your walk-in closet design

If you are unsure about what color combination works best in your closet, then it is a good idea to do some research. You can also use a color chart to determine the best color combinations. A color chart will help you find out which colors complement each other and which ones work better with others.

10. Use space wisely

Use every inch of space you can to create a more effective closet. If there is room to put something on the inside of the door, try to use it. You can use a small shoe caddy or even a basket to put items in. You can also use old wooden boxes and bins to store your clothing in. You can also use old suitcases or even a storage unit to keep your clothes in.


The best cupboard design ideas come from using what you have and thinking outside the box. Take some time to think about your lifestyle, your budget, and the things you already have before embarking on your project. If you’re short on time, consider enlisting the help of a professional interior designer to get the job done for you.

By Lalit Manral

Hi, This is Lalit Manral a Professional Digital Marketer, Blogger and Writer. From the Past 6 Years, I have been sharing information related to technology, education, travel, lifestyle, fashion, etc.