Flutter Vs React Native

Mobile app development is rapidly evolving, and developers have several options for building high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps. React Native and Flutter are two popular frameworks that have gained much attention from developers worldwide.

According to a recent survey by Statista, React Native was the most widely used mobile app development framework in 2021, with over 42% of developers using it. On the other hand, Flutter is rapidly gaining popularity, with over 39% of developers using it in 2021, compared to just 25% in 2020.

The convenience of having everything at one’s fingertips has become a way of life for individuals all over the globe, which is giving the mobile app market an edge in competition. But there has long been debate about the best method for producing these applications. When comparing Flutter vs React Native , it could be difficult for developers to choose. Both are developed by the two current global digital juggernauts, Facebook and Google. 

Today we’ll compare Flutter vs React Native according to features and history while guiding you over several well-known apps created on both platforms. You’ll have an in-depth knowledge of the Flutter vs React Native debate by the conclusion of this blog, covering each technology’s advantages and disadvantages.

What is Flutter? 

Google developed an open-source, free platform for building mobile apps called Flutter. It lets programmers create natively compiled programmes with outstanding performance for desktop, web, and mobile platforms from a single codebase. To make it simple for programmers to design stunning and responsive user interfaces, Flutter utilizes the Dart programming language and offers a wealth of already constructed widgets, tools, and libraries. Hot reload, which enables rapid iteration throughout development, and Flutter’s ability to design apps that function flawlessly across several platforms are some of the essential characteristics of the framework.

You can use Flutter in different cases such as:

  • Limited funds
  • limited time frame for development
  • UI-focused applications
  • Building complex apps 

Popular Apps Made Using Flutter

Even though it is a more modern technology than React Native, Flutter has given rise to numerous well-known apps that we all are now familiar with and like. Below is a short list:

Google Ads

With Google Ads, businesses are able to control advertising campaigns via their  smartphone. Featuring live notifications, modifying, real-time bids, detailed data, and application support for clients, the platform makes it easy for you to maintain control of your advertisements.


You probably have heard about Postmuse especially if you work in the field of social media or advertising, as it may greatly improve the content you create. The software gives you a variety of tools to enhance your material, including calligraphy, custom quality of images, and story themes.


With the help of the application Cryptography, you can keep track of the progress of numerous cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum and Bitcoins. For each currency, you may browse marketplace histories and rate graphs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flutter


  • Utilizing a single codebase quickly.
  • Testing and issue fixing are easy with “Hot Reload”.
  • Layered design enhances flexibility and modification possibilities
  • Excellent documentation.
  • Independent UI prevents mistakes.
  • Easily navigable designs.


  • Limited third-party libraries
  • The download time and storage requirements for apps are lengthy.
  • The libraries and assistance are excellent, but native development is more efficient.
  • Limited support for older devices.

What is React Native? 

React Native is a completely open-source and free mobile app development framework developed by Facebook. Utilizing the React JavaScript framework enables developers to create native mobile apps for iOS, Android, and various other devices. React Native is an affordable option for cross-platform apps since it allows developers to create code once and deliver it on other devices. Fast speed, the potential for rapid reloading, and an active and engaged developer community that contributes to its development and expansion are some of the essential characteristics of React Native. Developers may quickly produce top-notch, aesthetically pleasing mobile applications with React Native.

You can use React Native in different cases such as:

  • Large expenditures and complex projects.
  • Complex cross-platform applications.
  • Utilizing the same code for desktop and mobile applications.
  • Due to the vital documentation help, developers with less expertise can use react native.

Renowned applications developed by React Native are:

1. Instagram

Instagram is a renowned social media application for sharing photos and stories. Instagram leveraged React Native to develop its user-friendly UI, starting with the notification push feature and Webviews. Development moved faster than usual due to the staggering 85%-99% code sharing.

2. Walmart

The well-known app Walmart is used by 120 million users every single month. The world’s largest department store has updated its code for its smartphone application using React Native, noting advantages including increased rapidity and efficacy.

3. Tesla

Tesla developed a smartphone application to assist owners and fans of electric vehicles in detecting traits and diagnosing problems. Surprisingly, the mobile application even has some control over the car’s motion.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React Native 


  • Large base packages as a result of utilizing the widely used JavaScript language.
  • Developers may create an application for several devices concurrently using one codebase instead of doing it separately.
  • Developer autonomy encourages code reusing and lowers costs.
  • A large, vibrant community.
  • Simple to master for React developers.


  • Yet Requires native programmers.
  • Inadequate efficiency compared to Flutter.
  • Limited customization.
  • A large number of unused libraries and packages.
  • Weak UI.
  • Apps take up more space than native apps.

Flutter vs React Native 

Although both React Native and Flutter are fantastic options for creating cross-platform applications, they vary from one another in numerous significant ways. 

  • The programming languages that both systems employ are a crucial distinction. JavaScript serves as the foundation for React Native, which also employs JSX. Flutter, nevertheless, makes use of the Dart programming language. 
  • These frameworks have unique architectures. React Native employs the Flux framework, necessitating JavaScript connecting, while Flutter utilizes the 2D visual rendering package Skia. In this case, JavaScript bridging is essential for React Native to enable interaction between JavaScript and Native code. Flutter does not, however, have a programming bridge. 
  • Excellent documentation is available for Flutter and React Native. Flutter, however, provides documentation that is better organized and ordered. Since it relies significantly on external libraries, React Native documentation is not well managed. 
  • Downloading the binaries from GitHub and configuring your machine’s environmental settings are necessary steps in installing Flutter. React Native, however, requires a single command to be entered into your terminal for setup utilizing the node package management (NPM). 
  • Flutter uses customized widgets it has created, while React Native uses third-party customisation elements. Flutter provides increased interoperability as a result. In addition, React Native employs JSX, while Flutter programming is purely based on Widgets.
  • React Native offers more robust 3D functionality than Flutter, which does not. 

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As we observe, each flank of the Flutter vs React Native discussion has advantages and disadvantages, but the goal is to bridge the gap between Android and iOS. 

According to several industry insiders, Flutter will take over the creation of mobile apps in the coming years. However, React Native continues to rule with several excellent stunning apps, like Facebook and Instagram. 

The fact that both frameworks have distinct features means that, before choosing one, you must think about your demands.

 Look no further than MMF Infotech if you’re seeking a dependable and knowledgeable business to assist you with developing your mobile app utilizing Flutter. To learn more about our Flutter app development services, get in touch with us right away. 

By dovanu