
Both MEAN and MERN are two stupendous technology stacks. Using these technology stacks a developer can easily build robust applications. Furthermore, both technology stacks also offer various features to developers for making their work a lot easier. In other words, it is worthwhile to use these technology stacks for development. But what is the difference between these two technology stacks? Which technology stack is superior to the other? So, to find the answer to these questions today we are going to learn about both the technology stacks in detail.

Here is everything that you need to know about both technology stacks.

What Is MERN Stack?

It is a robust technology stack that helps developers in making the development process much smoother and easier. Besides, the stack also allows developers to enhance their productivity and save a lot of time. In other words, a developer can make the development process quite easy with the help of this amazing technology stack. So, do use this amazing technology stack if you want to develop robust apps in a short amount of time. Following are the technologies that are part of this amazing technology stack:

  • MongoDB. To learn about MongoDB and its features in more detail feel free to join our MERN Stack Online Course.
  • Express.JS
  • React.JS
  • Node.JS


Following are some of the key advantages of using the MERN stack:

  • All the technologies in the stack are free. Thus, you will not need to pay any charge for using any technology of the stack.
  • The technology stack enables a firm in reducing its app development cost. This is because all the technologies in the stack are built using JavaScript. Thus, the firm does not have to hire experts in various technologies for using the stack for app development.
  • Apps that are built using this amazing technology stack are extremely efficient.
  • The technology stack supports the MVC software design pattern.
  • The technology stack supports the reusability of code.

What Is MEAN Stack?

It is a phenomenal JavaScript software stack. Moreover, the technology stack is very user-friendly and is perfect for developing dynamic web applications. Besides this, all the technologies in the MEAN stack are completely free to use. Furthermore, the MEAN stack also allows the developers to make the development process quicker and easier. This is another reason why the technology stack enjoys huge popularity among developers. So, do use this astonishing JavaScript software stack if you want to build robust dynamic web apps. Following are the technologies that are part of this exemplary JavaScript software stack:

  • MongoDB
  • Express.JS
  • Angular.JS
  • Node. JS


Following are some of the key advantages of using MEAN stack:

  • The JavaScript software stack is very easy to learn and comes with good community support. Thus, you will not face any trouble in mastering this fantastic JavaScript software stack.
  • The stack allows developers to rapidly develop/deploy web apps.
  • By using the technology stack, you can easily develop cross-platform compatible dynamic web apps.
  • MEAN stack offers more flexibility to developers.
  • The JavaScript software stack comes with lots of fantastic in-built testing tools. This makes it quite easy for developers to test their apps.


Following are the key differences between both technology stacks:

  • MEAN uses the Angular framework for front-end development. On the other hand, its competitor use React library for frontend development.
  • Mastering the MEAN stack is a little difficult in comparison to mastering the MERN stack.
  • Error handling is very easy if you use the MEAN stack for development. This is because the Angular framework uses TypeScript. Thus, it allows developers to detect errors while writing the code. While the latter does not use TypeScript instead it uses JavaScript.
  • MEAN is perfect for developing enterprise-level apps. While the latter is perfect for developing small-scale apps for firms.
  • MEAN support various third-party libraries. However, its competitor does not directly support third-party libraries. To learn how to use third-party libraries with MERN feel free to join our Best MERN Stack Course.
  • In comparison to MEAN developing apps using the MERN stack is easier and quicker.
  • It is not easy to create complex interfaces using the MEAN stack. However, the latter makes it very easy for developers to build complex interfaces.
  • Maintenance and upgradation of apps that are built using MEAN stack are not that easy. However, the apps that are built using MERN are easier to maintain/upgrade. So, do use this technology stack if you want to build apps that are easier to maintain/upgrade.


As you can see there are lots of differences between both technology stacks. For instance, MEAN supports TypeScript. On the other hand, its competitor supports JavaScript. Similarly, MERN does not directly supports the use of third-party libraries. However, MEAN does support the use of third-party libraries. So, do keep these differences in mind before choosing any of these technology stacks for your development projects. This will ensure that you don’t end up using a technology stack that is not perfect for you.

By Taruna Kashyap

Hi I am Taruna Kashyap From Delhi and working as an blogger.