resignation acceptance letter

If an employee resigns, the company must formally accept the resignation. It is usually done by sending an acceptance letter acknowledging the employee’s decision to quit and giving details on what to do next or actions.

Utilizing templates for resignation acceptance letters is an excellent option for employers who aren’t sure of what should be included in these letters or want to ensure that their correspondence is effective and professional.

This blog review the advantages of utilizing resignation letter templates and the key aspects to incorporate. Give examples of templates, and suggest writing a successful formal resignation letter.

What is a resignation acceptance letter?

Resignation acceptance letters are pre-written templates employers employ to confirm an employee’s resignation formally.

The templates usually include the most important elements of a successful resignation acceptance letter. These include an introduction and a declaration of gratitude, acknowledgment of and confirmation of the resignation, the following steps or plans for the future, and a final salutation and best wishes.

These templates are customizable to meet the particular requirements of the employer as well as the circumstances that led to the resignation.

What are the benefits of resignation acceptance letter templates?

Templates for resignation acceptance letters will provide many benefits to employers, for example:

Time-saving :

Employers can reduce the time and effort spent creating letters of resignation by utilizing templates already written. Templates are easily modified to meet the specific needs of an employer. Requirements, which could simplify the process of accepting resignations.

Consistency :

Templates are a great way to ensure that all letters of resignation are identical in tone and structure. This can convey a sense of professionalism and order to the employee who has resigned.

Efficiency :

Templates can ensure that all the essential elements of a well-written formal resignation letter are in place. Moreover, this helps avoid confusion and miscommunication between employers and employees.

Examples of different kinds of resignation acceptance letters templates

Employers may use various letters according to the circumstances that led to the resignation. A few common examples include:

Resignation acceptance letter for professionals.

Template for resignation letters

This type of template is suitable for formal and professional settings and generally has standard language and format. Moreover, you can also use re-Designation Letter format for your employee.

Template for formal resignations

This kind of template is akin to one used by professionals but could be more suitable for specific industries or companies.

Letter of resignation to the employee template

This kind of template was explicitly created to accept resignations from employees.

Resignation acceptance template

This template was made to be used by employers looking to inform their employees of their resignations through email.

Resignation acknowledgment letter template

This kind of template is used to confirm the employee’s resignation. It can be used in conjunction with the resignation acceptance letter.

The most important elements of a resignation acceptance letter

These are the main elements of a resignation letter.

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Introduction and expressions of appreciation

It must start with a salutation that expresses appreciation to employees for their contribution to the business. This can set an optimistic tone throughout the letter and demonstrate to employees that they are appreciated for their work has been acknowledged and appreciated.

Acknowledgment of resignation

The resignation acceptance letter must recognize the employee’s choice to quit. This will help avoid confusion or miscommunication and ensure the parties are on the same page.

Confirmation of resignation

It must announce that the resignation date was the final day at work and any other information related to the resignation, like payments or benefits.

Plans, future steps, or next steps

The resignation acceptance letters should contain information regarding any subsequent steps or plans related to the employee’s resignation. Additionally, it includes a timetable to transfer their duties or instructions for returning the company’s belongings.

Last words and best wishes

This letter should conclude with a positive note, including final remarks of gratitude and good luck for the employee’s future success. Moreover, this will help keep an excellent relationship between employers and employee who is leaving, which can be vital to future reference and networking occasions.


Resignations can be a difficult and emotional experience for both employers and employees. However, the correct resignation acceptance template can simplify the process and make it more professional. In this post on the blog, we’ve offered you 15 different resignation acceptance templates which can be modified to meet your specific needs.

We’ve got it covered if you’re searching for a formal, professional resignation letter template or even an acknowledgment email. Furthermore, the templates are made to be considerate, understanding, and professional while maintaining an excellent relationship with the employee leaving.


Who composes the resignation acceptance letter?

Usually, an employee’s manager or supervisor writes an acceptance note of resignation on behalf of the company.

When is the right time to send a resignation acceptance letter? Be sent?

An acceptance letter for resignation should be sent as quickly as possible after the employee has sent his resignation notice.

What information should be included in the resignation acceptance letter?

A letter of resignation should contain the name of the employee as well as their job title, the final day of employment, any exit procedures that are required, and a token of appreciation for their service to the business.

Is a resignation acceptance letter required?

A resignation acceptance letter is essential since it acknowledges the employee’s resignation in writing and details any procedures required for the departure process. Moreover, it can also help maintain professional relations with the employee who is leaving.

Can a resignation acceptance note be sent by email?

A resignation acceptance letter can be emailed, mainly when employees work remotely or cannot attend in-person meetings. However, it is essential to ensure that the message is formal and professional in its tone.

By Pankajsharma

Hi, I’m Pankaj Sharma from Delhi and working as a freelancer educational blogger, photographer, designer, etc.