Woo Commerce Sites

Before you know how to get the most out of your WooCommerce website for your non-profit store, a good option would be to sneak into the reasons why thrift stores should be built on WooCommerce. One of the primary reasons why thrift stores are built on WooCommerce is that it is a cost-effective option.

On top of that, you need not pay any hidden charges or monthly fees. Moreover, setting up the online store is pretty easy and you cannot miss the excellent features of this plugin like an easy user interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and easy navigation. Adding products or setting up payment options is rather easy in WooCommerce stores. So, you now know why thrift stores need to depend on WooCommerce. But if you want to get the most out of this site, you need more dedicated approaches and efforts.

Why is WooCommerce the perfect website builder for non-profits?

WooCommerce is indeed a powerful tool for non-profit e-commerce stores. Here is why:

  • For non-profits, cost is one of the major factors to calculate.  Therefore, mindful consideration when utilizing the resources is essential. The donors look forward to seeing their money used for genuine reasons, so the storeowners need to cater to their expectations and use the money for worthy causes.
  • WooCommerce comes with tons of themes that are available for customization. As non-profits do not have a huge budget, the best part would be to rely on free tools and hire hourly development services to create a smart website within a shorter period. Some of the SEO plugins can also be implemented to enhance the visibility of search engines.
  • Once the store is created using WooCommerce, non-profits need to adhere to a rigorous marketing strategy to enhance donations and sales. If you have a strong email and social media marketing plan, chances are you may have already worked on the road to success. Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote the products. Thanks to the customizable WooCommerce platform.

Non-profit organizations organize events frequently for which WooCommerce has plenty of plugins to offer. You can list the events with those plugins to enable the organizers to manage all the activities, be it for selling tickets or managing the attendees.

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What WooCommerce has in store for non-profit stores?

WooCommerce is available free of cost and that may mean that one of the strongest foundations of your store exercises no financial burden. Compared to other e-commerce platforms that charge a monthly fee, not having to pay at all should come as a good relief. You can use up your funds to buy plugins and extensions that would help your non-profit store to pick steam. Here are the other benefits your WooCommerce store may get:

  • Availability of 300 extensions for e-commerce
  • Opportunity of customization
  • Controlling the SEO
  • Coordinating with other site owners and the community of developers
  • Owning the site backups to safeguard your data

So, if you are into selling nonprofit merchandise, get WooCommerce developers for hire from offshore locations to get the most out of this WordPress-based plugin.

How to enhance the efficiency of your WooCommerce nonprofit store?

You are already aware of how WooCommerce can help your non-profit store to shine but here is how you can add more zeal to your store.

  • Offer subscriptions for donations

Stick to a subscription extension for WooCommerce for patrons to donate more. You can team it up with other extensions to help the users. Check the features of this extension to enable the users not to feel the positive impact. Hire a dedicated WooCommerce development company to decide the roadmap.

  • Integrate your site with social media

You own a non-profit store online but you are also competing with hundreds of other sites offering similar products. That is why you need to integrate your site with social media. That way you can connect with maximum users at the same time. If you aim to reach out to prospects on platforms that provide easy recognition, you are bound to make your website more efficient.

You can rely on hundreds of plugins to integrate your site with social media. It’s natural for you to reduce the cost of your site and you may abstain from hiring a development team. But outsourcing your projects to a development company is the best option to choose. Wondering which company to hire? Digital Concepts is your go-to solution when you are trying to use extensions to integrate your store with social media and get the word out.

  • Choosing free themes

As the owner of a nonprofit store, you would intend to keep the costs low. An excellent option, in that case, is relying on WooCommerce themes. But do you know which theme would benefit your store? That is when you need to hire dedicated WooCommerce developers to make sure that your site uses low-cost themes that align with the requirements of the site.

  • Selling tickets for events

Is it a fundraising event you are planning to host? Use WooCommerce Box Office to sell the tickets easily. You can add to it other features like discounts, free gifts, and early bird prizes to attract the audience.

  • Growing a community

Every non-profit store will have an entire community of followers. If you belong to the same league, download a free plugin like BuddyPress from the dashboard, and you will have your community of followers. It is a free theme that aligns with WooCommerce sites, so you will have the site ready quickly. Once you install the plugin, communicating with the internal teams as well as volunteers becomes easy.

There are hundreds of nonprofit websites relying on WooCommerce to sell their merchandise. All you need is to design a store that displays unique products in a way that is accessible to the users and followers. You can also make the most of your WooCommerce nonprofit stores if you hire an offshore development company in India. That way, you will also have full control of your site and access to all those tools that will help you grow your store.

By Pankajsharma

Hi, I’m Pankaj Sharma from Delhi and working as a freelancer educational blogger, photographer, designer, etc.